I finally replaced my camera this week. My "not so old" camera was a Sony cheapy from wally-world and hasn't worked worth anything since the day I got it. I'm not a die hard photographer and didn't have the money to spend on something really flashy, so after a little research, this is the one hubby picked. It has some cool features that are probably too advanced for me to use, I'm a point and click kinda gal. One neat thing is the face recognition capabilities. Who knows what that does, it just sounds cool!!
I've been busy painting the boys' room these last two days. Biting off a little more than I could chew, I wanted to get their room in tip top shape before Ty's surgery. A while back we switched the boys' and girls' rooms. The boys ended up with a pink room with fairy border. Hmmm, not very boy friendly. I intended on painting it right away, but that just didn't happen. This week turned out to be the opportune time. We bought the boys new bunk beds, which should be delivered today, and gave my mom the old full size bed. With everything out of the room, I knew my chance to paint was now. Josh chose "Blue Splash"...it's quite a shocking blue, but after the Spider-Man 3 border, it toned down a bit. ;)
Procrastinating....why do I do it??? I have 6 chicken meals to assemble and freeze, 4 days worth of laundry to wash, dry, fold, and put away, and floors that haven't been mopped since I don't know when. I'm sure I could take some scrapings and donate them to research or something!! Oh yeah, I also have to schedule Ty's pre-op blood work, that's another trip to Orlando. Procrastination, you will not prevail! But first, I must try out my new camera.........