Friday, August 29, 2008

Serving my Husband

I had a unique opportunity to show love to my husband by serving him this week. He had a supervisor at work that was being promoted and moved to a different shift. My husband really liked this guy, they got along great. So, all the fellas on the shift decided to give a "promotion, going to a new shift" lunch. The day before said lunch, my husband asks me to make a broccoli braid for them. My broccoli braid is just about my husband's favorite meal that I fix for him. It's an old Pampered Chef recipe that I've tweaked over the years. We don't have it often, because it contains ingredients that we don't usually have on hand and it's a bit more than our budget allows for everyday dinner.

***Insert honesty***

At first I was a little peeved at the last minute request, knowing this meant a trip into town, spending money we really didn't have, lots of chopping veggies, and did a mention the trip into town. I'm a home body at heart, what can I say. :) Then I remembered our little know, loving our husbands! Remember, love meant also meant preeminent kindness. Ouch!! I couldn't really ask you all to love your men if I wasn't doing this with a right attitude. Luckily my face wasn't visible to him when he asked, he has no idea of the inner turmoil!

So, off I went to the store. The new Wal-Mart! Yep, that's right folks, I went to the brand spankin' new Wally World at night, by myself. It was nice. Very quiet, clean, and peaceful. Okay, the trip into town wasn't bad after all. ;) When I got home, the kids were already tucked into bed and the house was pleasantly peaceful as well...not so bad, I tell ya', not so bad.

The next day, I get the kids off to school and begin my chopping. I had Ty at the table coloring, and wasn't so bad. I decided to make two braids and go ahead and knock dinner out of the way, too. Around 11:30, in walks a very hungry man ready for his broccoli braid...I know, it doesn't sound like a very manly meal...but man, oh man, it's good! Fresh out of the oven, off went my labor to his "manly" luncheon. He was happy, I was happy I was able to help (and take care dinner), and all the guys on the shift had happy, full bellies. (With my girly broccoli braid!)

Now, if I had continued my initial reaction, this would have turned out completely different. I really need to work hard on being kind. It doesn't come naturally, I'm not really a sympathetic person. The Lord has a big job with me, I'm tellin' you. I won't even get into the wet socks on my computer room floor right now, not gonna go there!!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Loving our Husbands Through Prayer

Along with our list of 31 ways to show love to our husbands, I found this list of 31 prayers for them as well. I challenge you to join me and commit to praying daily for your husband. You could print this list out and place it in your home binder as a reminder. (During months with 30 days, double bless your husband on the last day!)

1st: That he would become a holy man, a man of prayer, mature in the Lord, growing in his knowledge of the Lord. I Thes 5:23, Col 4:12, Eph 1:18-19, 3:16-19, 6:18.

2nd: That he would grow into a man of integrity, who works righteousness, speaks truth in his heart, does not slander, does no evil, does not take up reproach against friends, honors those who fear the Lord, swears to his own hurt, is unchanging in these things, does not charge interest on loans, and does not take bribes. Ps 15

3rd: That he would be a man of contentment. Prov 15:16, Phil 4:11, I Tim 6:6-8, and Heb 13:5.

4th: That he would learn to take every thought captive, to not be conformed to the world's thinking, and to think scripturally. Rom 12:2, II Cor 10:5.

5th: That he would daily seek God with all his heart, walking in the Spirit moment by moment, growing in his dependence on Him. Psalm 119:1-2, Prov 3:5-6.

6th: That he would ever be captivated by my love. Prov 5:18-19.

7th: That he would be a man of courage. Deut 31:6, II Chron 19:11.

8th: That the Lord would give him wisdom to lead his family physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Eph 1:17-19

9th: That he would always look at the plank in his own eye before seeing others' sawdust. Matt 7:3

10th: That he would become a called man, not driven, with well thought through and prayed through goals in life. I Cor 9:24-27

11th: That he would be a man of prayer, guarding his heart and mind, puting into practice what he has heard, seen, and learned. Phil 4:4-9

12th: That he would stand firm against the schemes of the devil and resist Satan in all circumstances. Eph 6:10-18, James 4:7

13th: That he would grow in spiritual maturity by putting away childish things, cultivating, understanding, striving after the Christ ideal, partaking of the deeper truths of the gospel and overcoming temptation. I Cor 13:11, 14:20, Eph 4:13, Heb 5:14, I John 2:14

14th: That he would be cleansed by the word. Eph 5:26

15th: That he would learn to not depend on his circumstances for happiness but on God alone. Heb 3:17-19

16th: That he would be a man prepared for spiritual warfare. Eph 6:11-12, I Thes 5:8

17th: That he would have new strength in the midst of his busy schedule, and that the Lord might infuse him with His strength. Is 40:31, Eph 3:14-19

18th: That he would have a burden to see lost people come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Matt 28:12-20

19th: That he would be kept from strange women and evil men, and that his friends would be men and women who walk with God. Prov 13:20

20th: That his self-image would be a reflection of the Lord's thoughts toward him. Eph 1:17-19, Rom 12:3, Psalm 139

21st: That he would be a man responsible for family spiritual growth. Prov 4:1-14

22nd: That he would not be deceived into unbelief, sin, or bitterness. Matt 13:8-10

23rd: That he would learn to love as God has commanded. I Cor 13:4-7, Rom 12:8-10, Eph 5:25

24th: That the fruit of the Spirit would be exhibited more and more in his life. Gal 5:22-23, John 15:8

25th: That he would grow in humility and in being a shepherd. I Pet 5:2-6

26th: That he might grow daily in character. II Pet 1:5-8

27th: That he might keep a clear conscience. I Pet 3:16-18

28th: That the Lord would protect him, guarding his course. Prov 2:8

29th: That he would manage his time well. Eph 5:15

30th: That the Lord would put a song in his heart. Psalm 33:3, 40:3, Job 35:10

31st: That he would have a holy fear of God. Psalm 34:11, 111:10, Prov 9:10

Loving our Husbands

So, how did you do, ladies? Did you love your husband yesterday? My husband and I have been married for 11 1/2 years and we dated for 4 years prior. We're heading towards 16 years with each other and sometimes I feel like we get in a rut, know what I mean? Even in the little things, it seems there are times where I'm missing blessings I could be giving my husband. Therefore, I'm making it a priority this week to do some little acts of kindness to show my affection for that man of mine! Here is a list I've got going:

1. Fill his water bottles for work, so he doesn't have to.
2. Sneak some snack money in his uniform pocket.
3. Leave a note on his computer or send him a cute email.
4. Take up an interest of his and spend time doing something he loves.
5. Make his favorite supper.
6. Scratch his back without being asked.
7. Tell him to go take a nap! (That will knock his socks off!!)
8. Put a love letter in his car.
9. Remember to touch him, lovingly, as he walks by. (I had to include lovingly, 'cause sometimes I end up smacking him on the's love tap!) :)
10. Lay out his uniform before he gets up.
11. Go for a walk together after dinner.
12. Have a date night in after the kids go to bed.
13. Remember to pray for him daily.

That's what I've got so far, but I'm still thinking. :) How about you? What little things can you do for your man that show him your love for him? Could you imagine what would be going on in our husbands minds if we did something intentional each day to remind him how great we think they are. Here's my challenge. Sit down and make a list of 31 things that you can do for your husband that cost nothing or very little. Begin blessing him as soon as you can. Even if you only come up with a few, start right away.

Before blessing our husbands, let's check our motives. We're blessing them because we love them and we want to express that to them. We are not blessing them to get something in return or manipulate them in any way. This is a complete selfless act of love for the men in our lives. So, go happy husbands!!!! (What did you think I was going to tell you to make....wink, wink!)

Monday, August 25, 2008

"...To love their husbands..."

The next section I want to focus on from Titus 2:4-5 is this, " love their husbands." Reading that upon first glance, I'm probably quick to give it a big 'ole "DUH", but I think there is so much more to this little phrase than the credit we give.

The word "love" in this passage is translated from the Greek word "philandros" which means "to be husband loving." Again, because I want to know the real meaning of words not our distorted conception, let's go to the Websters 1828 dictionary to find a deeper meaning of the word "love".


1. A feeling of strong attachment induced by that which delights or commands admiration; preƫminent kindness or devotion to another; affection; tenderness.

2. Especially, devoted attachment to, or tender or passionate affection for, one of the opposite sex.

(There were other entries, but none that pertained to the union between husband and wife.)

Do you love your husband? Do I really love my husband? Is it such a strong attachment that induces feelings of admiration from others? Do I show kindness and devotion to him? Do I have a tender and passionate affection for him? These are hard questions to answer sometimes. Like when he's left his dirty socks in the bathroom for the trillionth time, or when he goes to a softball game and leaves me home with 4 sick kids, am I addressing him with kindness and devotion? (These situations never happen, they're hypothetical events...really they are.)

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the majority of us weren't taught how to really love our husbands. We weren't taught how to be completely devoted to them. In fact, I would venture to say that most of us even had a "back up" plan at one point. "Well, if this doesn't work out at least I could always _______." Look around you, how are our men being portrayed in the media? Show me one instance where a man is the head of the home, he's successful, and he has a devoted, loving wife with obedient children. It doesn't happen. Instead, we're filling our minds with dopey men and overbearing, controlling wives, with kids who are out of control. What message are we sending our daughters? What hope of a biblical marriage will they ever have with examples such as these?

Well, we can't control the media; but we can control our hearts and our actions. This is going to call for a total mind overhaul. To truly love our husbands, we must put his needs above our own. Yep, there it is, did you put your steel-toed boots back on? I said it....We've got to put our husbands needs before our own. Ouch!! Lord, help me here...this won't be easy! Seriously, this week let's explore ways to really love our husbands...don't blush, I won't be going there...this is a family blog! ;)

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sober-minded in the Home

Well, I intended to post much more on being sober-minded, but life got the best of me this week. Between the first day of school and a hurricane scare, I wasn't on the computer much at all. I'm going to wrap up being sober-minded and move right into loving our children and husbands tomorrow.

Remember, we are referring to being "sober" as "sober-minded", having a plan, not addressing things wildly but calmly with efficiency. One item in my home that has helped me is my binder. This is a very common item among stay at home moms. Some call it a home management binder, or a household binder. Whatever one calls it, it has the potential of becoming a very essential tool for organizing a home.

The contents:
My binder includes menu plans, emergency low cost grocery shopping lists, daily schedules, children's routines, recipes, cleaning plans, scripture reminders pertaining to being a keeper at home, emergency contacts, budgets, and birthday and Christmas lists. Whew! Now, it's not much to look at...I always had the intention of making it really pretty and super organized. In fact, at one time I had a relatively nice binder, but then I went to work and forgot all about how useful it was. I ended up redoing it recently and just haven't found the time to fancy it up. (I don't know why???)

Instead of showing you my ugly, plain jane binder, I'll give you some links that might spark your interest so you may begin your own.

Susan Godfrey at Simply Susan
Catherine at Making It Home
Keeping the Home

Maybe during my copious free time this week, I'll make my binder look pretty and show you pictures. Yeah, right! ;)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Sober-minded in the Kitchen

So this week we're looking at being sober-minded. I was going to title this entry "Sobriety in the Kitchen", but I thought that kind of sounded like an AA meeting. Hehe!

Planning is going to be the key to "sobriety in the kitchen"...couldn't resist. This can range from an elaborate detailed monthly menu to simply doubling a recipe for a freezer meal. Here are some tips that I've learned along the way.

1. Menu planning - I like to plan my meals out in a 2 week cycle. I'm a very simple cook. I cook what my family likes and they like what I cook. I rarely try new recipes, I like the tried and true. (I realize that may bore some people to death, but it works for me.) With that in mind, I can sit down and plan out 2 different weeks of meals and rotate them. This also alows me to have a standard shopping list that I keep. I don't usually shop sale items unless I find something I know I'll use and stock up. Having a menu plan (and sticking to it) completely solves the 5 o'clock "what's for dinner" stares.

2. Freezer meals - I recently wrote a post about a more extensive freezer meal preparation, but you can easily build up a stock of your favs by doubling a recipe and freezing the extras.

3. Prepare ahead - Alot of the breakfasts I like to make can be started the night before, like baked oatmeal or baked french toast. Sometimes I will fill my bread machine with ingredients for a cinnamon bread and set it to start a couple of hours before we wake up. Then we get to enjoy waking up to fresh baked bread. Yum!! I get to look like a star to my family and sleep's a win - win for everyone. :) Preparing ahead can be as easy as throwing in a couple of extra eggs to boil in the morning to use at lunch time for tuna salad.

4. Crock pot meals - My crock pot is probably the one small appliance that I couldn't live without. I love my crock pot. I use it for any meal of the day. I've used it for oatmeal for breakfast, pork roast for Sunday lunch, or beans for dinner. It's very versatile and the best part is that it doesn't heat up my kitchen during a hot Florida summer.

5. Wear an apron - Okay, this one might surprise you. I wear aprons. Yes, there it is...bring on the snickers!! I love wearing an apron. I put one on as soon as I can, which is usually first thing in the morning after I get ready. I can remember my first apron. A dear friend of mine gave me her recipe for chicken pot pie and crust. I had been using the recipe for awhile and mentioned that I got flour all over me whenever I made the crust...she was like "duh...put on an apron!". I'm sure she about fell over when I told her I didn't own one. Days later, she brought me a very first apron with my name embroidered at the top. I still have it, and wear it often...Thanks, Margaret!!! Anyway, I've been hooked on them since. I love the way I feel when I wear an apron, the way all of my kids have played hide and seek under it...I feel ready for the job at hand, sober if you will!

So there you have it, just a few of the ways we can have a plan and be ready and "sober" in the kitchen. Now, don't go thinking I've got it all together and it's like this all the time. My back up plan is Pizza Hut on speed dial. Just keeping it real, ya'll!

Monday, August 18, 2008

To Be Sober

"That they may teach the young women to be sober...."

Titus 2:4-5 is an instruction to older women on what they are to teach the younger women. The first of that is "to be sober." Knowing words can have many meanings, let's look up the word "sober".

The 1828 Webster's Dictionary defines "sober" as the following:

1. Temperate in the use of spirituous liquors; habitually temperate
2. Not intoxicated or excited by spirituous liquors
3. Not mad or insane; not wild, visionary, or heated with passion; exercising cool, dispassionate reason; self-controlled; self-possessed

Further, let's define "temperate":

1. Moderate; not excessive

2. Not marked with passion; not violent; cool; calm

So, the first thing we are to be, as godly women, is sober. We are to be temperate in all things, not mad or wild, but cool and calm. Regardless of one's view on alcohol, we are instructed by scripture to be sober, not intoxicated by spirituous liquors.

Another view of "sober" is being habitually temperate. If being temperate means that one is not mad, wild, or insane, than to be sober means we are to be self-controlled and thoughtful of our decisions and judgement.

Debi Pearl states in her book, Created to Be His Helpmeet, that "a sober wife is one who faces the fact that she is no longer a freewheeling individual, with time to do as she pleases. She knows that marriage is a joyous, but also a grave responsibility. She cannot be flighty or frivolous. She makes a commitment to be the best wife, mother, and manager of the home that anyone could be." She further states that, "Her most basic responsibility is to make her husband's home run smoothly. She assumes the role of coordinator of all affairs.....When a woman soberly considers the needs, time schedule, and resources of her home, then she will be a more efficient helpmeet."

Wow, I like that...."a more efficient helpmeet". I remember when I was newly married with small children, how I ran my house...if you could call it that. I was more like a babysitter. I would plop my rear in front of my soaps, in between feeding children and changing diapers, giving no thought to dinner, laundry, or just about anything other than passing the time. I would hardly call that sober. Being sober requires thought. Let me say that again....Being sober requires thought. Thinking about supper before it's 5 o'clock and the children are starving....thinking about the laundry before your husband has no clean clothes for work....thinking about cleaning the house before an unexpected guest shows up at your door....(Been there, done all of them!)

If I'm to be sober, I must have a plan. A recovering alcoholic can't just haphazardly walk into a bar. He's got to know where he's going, what his plan is. I might not be a recovering alcoholic...more like a recovering slacker-mom. I know where I've been, and it ain't pretty!! In order to not return to the chaos, I must have a plan. If I walked into a paid job and frivolously went about my day, I'd be out of there in a heartbeat. Doesn't my family deserve better than a frivolous mom?

So, sober up ladies! This week we are going to talk about how to be sober women. What does that look like in our homes and how can we apply that to our lives. No more "slacker-moms", we're on the road to recovery. And don't worry, if you fall of the wagon I'll probably be down there too...we can use each other as a boost to get back up again. See you in the wagon!!

Background on Titus

The book of Titus was written by Paul, as stated in Ch. 1:1, to Titus whom he calls his "true son in our common faith". Titus had worked with Paul during his third missionary journey at Ephesus and from there was sent to Corinth to help that church with its work. After Paul's imprisonment in Rome, he and Titus worked in Crete. Titus remained in Crete to complete needed work. This is where he was when he received this letter from Paul.

Paul sent the letter with Zenas and Apollos, who were on a journey that took them through Crete. The letter was intended to give Titus authorization and guidance in meeting personal opposition, instructions about faith and conduct, and warnings about false teachers.


Warning....personal opinion is to follow....

When reading scripture, I think it is very important to know who and to whom the scripture was written. With that knowledge, the reader is allowed a certain insight as to what is the meaning behind the text. A big fat HOWEVER,I also think that all to often we forget that the very word of God is living and transcends all time. Though this letter was written to a man, by a man, around 60 AD; I don't think that gives us the liberty to pick and choose whether or not it's "culturally relevant". Scripture is God breathed, which I take to mean that God used the writers as a tool to put His words on paper. I believe God's word to be wholly applicable today as it was 2000 years ago. Okay, Lesley...step down from soapbox and resume normal funtions.....

Friday, August 15, 2008

Titus 2:4-5 Study

Titus 2:4-5

4: That they may teach the young women to be sober,

to love their husbands,

to love their children,

5: To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home,

good, obedient to their own husbands,

that the word of God be not blasphemed.

I'm going to spend a few weeks studying Titus 2:4-5. Disclaimer...I am not a bible scholar. I will be studying, citing references, and for the most part, giving my personal opinions of how to apply God's Word to my life today. I'll begin tomorrow with a background on Titus, then a study on the first section of verse 4, teaching younger women to be sober. Your comments are welcome and appreciated, I would love this to become an interactive study.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A Special Visit


Today Ty had a very special visitor. The one, the only....Elmo!! I know moms of toddlers everywhere are screeching with joy and hearing the tune of Elmo's world in their heads already! I was even more surprised that Ty wasn't scared. This is a kid who thinks Winnie the Pooh at Disney was the equivalent of Satan in a bear costume!! He was thrilled, however, to get a visit from the big red tickle master himself. (Sorry Pooh-bear, no offense intended, really.) He even got a hug and kiss on the hand. Elmo tried to mess with Ty's computer, but he wasn't having that. You see, we Bonini's are very touchy about people messing with our computers....just ask the head Bonini himself.


He gave Ty his very own Elmo to remember him by. Wasn't that sweet!!


The nurses also gave Ty a surprise birthday party yesterday. They gave him a huge sign, a piece of chocolate cake, and lots of wonderful presents.


He has been enjoying playing with the magnadoodle and reading the books they gave him.


I guess having a birthday in the hospital isn't so bad afterall!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Cat's away, but the Mice can still eat right!

In a previous post I mentioned that I was making some freezer meals to help hubby with the daunting task of supper. I hadn't made freezer meals in a long time, so I consulted the experts, i.e. anyone who has as many or more kids than I do!! The experts gave me a few suggestions and I took notes. I weeded out the ones that I knew my family would never go for, or those that hubby would have to force feed a certain daughter of mine, hey Erin, because they contained too many vegetables. Here's what I came up with:

2 Baked Ziti
2 Lasagna
2 Tator Tot Casserole
2 Sloppy Joe

2 Enchiladas
2 Salsa, Chicken & Rice Casserole
1 Chicken Hotdish w/stuffing topping
1 Chicken Alfredo

I cooked the beef meals first. I began by browning 8lbs of hamburger meat. I divided two 1lb sections and placed them in a ziplock freezer bag and added the sloppy joe sauce. I always add a little extra ketchup & brown sugar the way my family likes it. Then I boiled the ziti and lasagna noodles. While they were boiling I made the tator tot casserole and placed them in a 9x13 aluminum pans and cover them with a double layer of foil. Once the noodles were finished, I assembled the ziti first, then the lasagnas. Again, I covered the dishes with a double layer of foil. Before I put them in the freezer, I label them with the contents and cooking directions. Most everything can go straight from the freezer to the oven at 350 degrees for 1 hour or until bubbly.

On a separate day, I prepared the chicken meals. I began by boiling 2 bags of frozen, skinless, chicken breasts. While they are boiling, I add a little garlic salt to the water to season. In addition to the chicken, I cooked 4 packages of yellow rice, and one box of rotini noodles. After the chicken was cooked, I chopped it up into a little smaller than bit size pieces. First, I assembled the chicken alfredo. Just mix noodles, chicken, and alfredo sauce and top with with parmesan cheese and bread crumbs. Then, I put together the chicken hotdish. Basically it's a chicken pot pie filling with veggies, cream of chicken soup, and sour cream topped with a box of stuffing mix. Next, I worked on the chicken and rice. I put enough chicken into two 9x13 pans to cover the bottom. Then I top that with rice and cover with 1/2 jar of salsa and shredded cheese. Last, I made the chicken enchiladas. I put the remaining chicken in the with the remaining rice and added a packet of taco seasoning and some shredded cheese. Then, I scooped some of the mixture into a taco size tortilla shell. After rolling the shell, I placed them seam down into 9x13 dish. I was able to fit 5 across for a total of 10 per pan. Then I topped it with salsa and cheese.

It wasn't as much work as I thought, and it's comforting knowing they'll have something to eat while I'm gone. Now, if I come home to 14 meals still in the freezer and they ate pizza least I tried!! Here's a picture of the fruits of my labor! :)

Monday, August 4, 2008

A Successful Surgery


I am very pleased to announce that Ty's surgery today was a huge success!! He did a great job and the neurosurgeon was able to release his spinal cord and remove a cyst. They are sending the cyst out to get a biopsy, but they are fairly certain it is spinal cord tissue. We anticipated this surgergy to take 6-8hrs, but it was completed in less than 3!! Ty is resting now and we are doing our best to manage his pain. He has to stay flat for a few days...that's tough! His birthday is tomorrow, and I think he'll be having a few visitors to wish him a very happy birthday. To everyone who prayed for Ty and our family, thank you so much! We believe whole heartedly in the power of prayer, and God has answered!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Only Way is Jesus.


Today we had a very powerful sermon from a visiting pastor. The sermon was based on John 14:6 where Jesus answered the questions of a very confused Thomas. Thomas just couldn't grasp what Jesus was talking about when he said he was going to "prepare a room for you." Thomas wondered how they were going to get there, how would they know where to go. Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me," John 14:6. Jesus confirmed for all mankind that there is no other way to God but by Him, and Him alone. No good work will get you there, no good deed will secure your way. Only Jesus, He alone can save you.

This brings me to my next thought. Cheap grace. "But grace is free," you say. Yes, grace is free, we have made it cheap. There is nothing I could ever do to earn the free gift of grace that God offers through his son, Jesus Christ. But why do we as Christians stop there. Satan believes in Jesus. He shudders at the very name of Christ. Yet, we all know Satan is not saved. So how do you know you're saved? The Bible says that many will cry out "Lord, Lord" but few will be saved. How can we know we are staying the narrow course, walking the narrow path. John 15:10 says, "If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father's commands and remain in his love."

I remember back in highschool taking Geometry with Mrs. Chancey. I like Mrs. Chancey! She was originally from Wauchula and had this very comforting way about her. But like I said, she taught geometry. I can almost hear the groans as you read this. You remember geometry...proofs and theorems. Is it all coming back to you? No! How about "if, then" statements. Remember those? If something is true then the opposite of said something must also be true. Let's apply a little geometry to scripture. If obeying God's commands = remaining in His love, then NOT obeying God's commands = NOT remaining in His love. Wow, how are your toes feeling? Mine are a little sore right now, that's for sure. So the Bible says if I'm obeying the commands of Christ, I'm in His love, I'm on the narrow path, my eye is fixed on the prize. If I'm not obeying, then I'm not "in His love."

Now, before you cast your "works" stones at me, really grasp what I'm saying. Salvation comes from God's free gift, I accept it, I believe on the name of Jesus, I obey His commands, I remain in Him. My good works won't get me to heaven, but they are a product of my love for Jesus. Jesus is the only way to heaven. There is an old hymn that I love to sing called "Trust and Obey". It goes like this...

When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word,
What a glory He sheds on our way!
While we do His good will, He abides with us still,
And with all who will trust and obey.

Refrain:Trust and obey, for there’s no other way
To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.

Not a shadow can rise, not a cloud in the skies,
But His smile quickly drives it away;
Not a doubt or a fear, not a sigh or a tear,
Can abide while we trust and obey.

Not a burden we bear, not a sorrow we share,
But our toil He doth richly repay;
Not a grief or a loss, not a frown or a cross,
But is blessed if we trust and obey.

But we never can prove the delights of His love
Until all on the altar we lay;
For the favor He shows, for the joy He bestows,
Are for them who will trust and obey.

Then in fellowship sweet we will sit at His feet,
Or we’ll walk by His side in the way;
What He says we will do, where He sends we will go;
Never fear, only trust and obey.

Never fear, only trust and obey!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Bedtime Prayers...

I'm off to say prayers with the kids before bedtime....and it reminded me of this video. Hope you get a good laugh!!