Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Loving our Husbands

So, how did you do, ladies? Did you love your husband yesterday? My husband and I have been married for 11 1/2 years and we dated for 4 years prior. We're heading towards 16 years with each other and sometimes I feel like we get in a rut, know what I mean? Even in the little things, it seems there are times where I'm missing blessings I could be giving my husband. Therefore, I'm making it a priority this week to do some little acts of kindness to show my affection for that man of mine! Here is a list I've got going:

1. Fill his water bottles for work, so he doesn't have to.
2. Sneak some snack money in his uniform pocket.
3. Leave a note on his computer or send him a cute email.
4. Take up an interest of his and spend time doing something he loves.
5. Make his favorite supper.
6. Scratch his back without being asked.
7. Tell him to go take a nap! (That will knock his socks off!!)
8. Put a love letter in his car.
9. Remember to touch him, lovingly, as he walks by. (I had to include lovingly, 'cause sometimes I end up smacking him on the's love tap!) :)
10. Lay out his uniform before he gets up.
11. Go for a walk together after dinner.
12. Have a date night in after the kids go to bed.
13. Remember to pray for him daily.

That's what I've got so far, but I'm still thinking. :) How about you? What little things can you do for your man that show him your love for him? Could you imagine what would be going on in our husbands minds if we did something intentional each day to remind him how great we think they are. Here's my challenge. Sit down and make a list of 31 things that you can do for your husband that cost nothing or very little. Begin blessing him as soon as you can. Even if you only come up with a few, start right away.

Before blessing our husbands, let's check our motives. We're blessing them because we love them and we want to express that to them. We are not blessing them to get something in return or manipulate them in any way. This is a complete selfless act of love for the men in our lives. So, go happy husbands!!!! (What did you think I was going to tell you to make....wink, wink!)

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