We had a wonderful service at church yesterday. The singing was beautiful, the preaching was powerful, and God was definitely present.
It got me thinking. What do I do daily, to prepare myself for Sunday? Other than church, how did we make Sunday any different than the rest of the week. The answer....I didn't.
I am already in the habit of making sure the kids have their church clothes picked out on Saturday so I can iron anything that may be wrinkled. This also prevents the last minute, "You are not wearing that to church", conversation. But other than that, we really don't do anything special.
Sunday should be special. Sunday is the day we corporately meet our Lord and unashamedly worship Him together. Sunday is the day we see our church family that we might not otherwise see during the week. Sunday is a day to learn more of God and what we need to do to walk daily in His will. The Lord's Day should be our day of rest. Sunday should be special.
Too often, in our family, we find ourselves scrambling out the door at 9:15am Sunday morning. Most of the time someone's temper is flaring, the kids are arguing over who sits where, we get half way to church and someone remembers they've forgotten something. I get everyone to their Sunday School classes, only to get to mine and feel the urgent need to collapse.
I was reading about the Jewish culture, and how their entire week is planned to prepare for Shabbat. They clean all week in preparation for their special day. Special meals are prepared and ready so Shabbat can be a time of rest. Worshiping God is so important, their daily activities are scheduled as such to make the coming Shabbat holy and set apart as it should be, an anticipated event. Our Lord's Day should be an anticipated event.
So this week, I'm going to try something new. I would like to do something each day to prepare our home in anticipation for The Lord's Day. I'll try to post a schedule (or something) as it comes to me. In the mean time, I'd love to hear from you. What do you do to make Sunday a special and anticipated event?
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