The doctor's office called yesterday evening. It seems the doctor is still out of town and wouldn't get in until late this evening. They asked if my husband could come in Wednesday at 4:30 to discuss the results of the pathology report, blood work, and the CT scans. The waiting is really beginning to get to me. I know that the results will be what they will be, and one more day isn't going to change anything....but still.
Tomorrow is also my husband's 37th birthday. What a way to spend your birthday. Most people contemplate where they'll dine, or what type of cake they want to have, or maybe even whether or not they should put all of the candles on the cake this year...because last year it looked like we needed a fire extinguisher to blow it out. Not this year, it all seems trivial. He wants to celebrate, I want to celebrate. But it feels like there is this black cloud following our family.
I've decided, in the very depths of my being, that we are going to receive good news for his birthday and God is just trying to teach me patience. Through prayer and time with the Lord, I also feel confident that the Lord will see us through whatever His plan for my husband may be. Any strength I have is directly from the Lord,delivered to me through the prayers and comfort from friends. I wholly put my trust in Him, just please, please Lord, let the hard part be behind us.
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