Tuesday, July 29, 2008

New camera, painting, and procrastinating....

I finally replaced my camera this week. My "not so old" camera was a Sony cheapy from wally-world and hasn't worked worth anything since the day I got it. I'm not a die hard photographer and didn't have the money to spend on something really flashy, so after a little research, this is the one hubby picked. It has some cool features that are probably too advanced for me to use, I'm a point and click kinda gal. One neat thing is the face recognition capabilities. Who knows what that does, it just sounds cool!!

I've been busy painting the boys' room these last two days. Biting off a little more than I could chew, I wanted to get their room in tip top shape before Ty's surgery. A while back we switched the boys' and girls' rooms. The boys ended up with a pink room with fairy border. Hmmm, not very boy friendly. I intended on painting it right away, but that just didn't happen. This week turned out to be the opportune time. We bought the boys new bunk beds, which should be delivered today, and gave my mom the old full size bed. With everything out of the room, I knew my chance to paint was now. Josh chose "Blue Splash"...it's quite a shocking blue, but after the Spider-Man 3 border, it toned down a bit. ;)

Procrastinating....why do I do it??? I have 6 chicken meals to assemble and freeze, 4 days worth of laundry to wash, dry, fold, and put away, and floors that haven't been mopped since I don't know when. I'm sure I could take some scrapings and donate them to research or something!! Oh yeah, I also have to schedule Ty's pre-op blood work, that's another trip to Orlando. Procrastination, you will not prevail! But first, I must try out my new camera.........

Friday, July 25, 2008

The Surgery is Scheduled

We just received word that Ty's surgery is scheduled for Aug. 4th. His birthday is Aug. 5th. :( What a pitiful way to celebrate his birthday. That's my flesh talking, I know deep down he needs this surgery, but who wants to be in a hospital when you're turning 4??? I'm feverishly trying to get the house ready for me to be gone 7-10 days. I made 8 beef freezer meals last night, and have 6 chicken meals to prepare and freeze. I'll save that for another post. ;) I want the boys room organized so Ty can come home to a neat and tidy space. Also, if Ty is in for the full 10 days, that will give me 4 days until school starts. So....I need to make sure the kids have everything they need to start school. I've already ordered and received their new uniforms, PTL for online shopping, now all I need is their school supplies. I'm sure my husband will do just fine without me, but you know, I'm the MOM!!! Please keep us in your prayers as this such a stressful time on more than one level.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

My new brother in Christ!

My oldest son, Joshua, was baptized this past Sunday. It was a very special, and memorable service. He was very nervous and excited all the same, he couldn't stop smiling. He is so short, his head was barely above the water. At the end of the service, our family placed our membership with the church. What a wonderful day.

Monday, July 21, 2008

I want to fold like this!!

I found this video at Home Living Blogspot and it's amazing!! All right, I can't understand a word this woman is saying, as she's speaking Japanese, but I want to fold like her!! Watch the video and see if you can do it too.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Meet my children...

I thought you might like to meet the four people in this world who have my heart wrapped around their fingers..........

This is my beloved oldest, Joshua. No, he's not a tree hugger...but he's liable to give his 'ole mom a heart attack with as high as he likes to go in one. This kid is a boy with a capital "B". He lives each day like a roaring tornado and sleeps each night like a hibernating bear, just to wake up and be a tornado again. I had no idea what people meant when they would talk about how tiring boys were....whew, I get tired just thinking about him. Josh is awesome!! He's the silliest, funniest kid ever. He's always ready to make someone laugh. But the best thing about him is his sensitive side, he's a very compassionate person. He loves his little brother and prays for him often. Oh, yeah...he likes his sisters too....well, maybe!!

Up next is Erin, or Sissy, as we lovingly refer to her around here. Now Erin is not your typical middle child. She's got the personality more of a first born. (Read Type "A") I think Josh just lives his life so fast he's not even in the birth order....back to Erin. Where do I even begin. Erin is my right hand gal for just about everything that goes on around here. She's smart, level headed, logical, and very literal. As my dad used to say, "she means what she says and says what she means". My hubby thinks she's a carbon copy of me. Hmmm, maybe that's why I think so highly of her. :) Do you know what I love best about her??? Her sarcasm. I know, I know, that's not exactly a desirable trait in a young lady...but man is she quick. In time, she'll learn the art of controlling it....but until then, she'll say exactly what I'm thinking.

Third in the line-up is Katelyne. Katelyne takes the prize for the most nicknames in our house. She's Katelyne, Kate, Kit-Kat, Kay-Kay, Loopy, Loop, and Little Loop. We reserve "Little Loop" for when we talk about how mistreated and deprived she is. Oh, don't let that killer smile fool you, this child is dealing with some serious middle child anguish. Can't you see the despair and feelings of deep neglect? No? Yeah, me neither...but she's certain it's there and she'll be happy to tell you about it. Kate is something, let me tell you. She's got the best imagination. She's the one child who will actually play with toys. Don't get me started on toys, I don't know why I buy them.....oh yeah, back to Kate. Kate is a princess. She's my diva of divas. She's the first to strike a pose, make up a dance, or just about anything to get you to watch a performance. It all goes back to the deprivation and neglect, I'm sure. The best part....she wants to be a mommy when she grows up!! Pitter-patter goes my heart....love it!!!

Last, but not least, is Ty. Be still my heart, where do I start with this boy. Just look at those cheeks. They're so delicious, I could serve them up with a scoop of ice-cream. This is my cuddler. I probably kiss those cheeks 1,000 times a day and he still comes back for more. Mama's boy?? Yer' darn right!!! Ty is our miracle from God, that's a story that deserves a post on it's own. He brightens everyone's day that he comes in contact with and has the most infectious smile. I couldn't image how different my life would be without this little guy. He's taught me so much about overcoming life's obstacles. Nothing will ever stop this fellow, God has big things planned for Ty.

So there you have it, the Bonini children. They certainly are my bundles of joy. They keep my house loud, my cupboards empty, and my heart full. I wouldn't trade it for anything, I've got the best job in the world!!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Another Surgery To Come...

Ty had a visit to his neurosurgeon yesterday. Some findings on his MRI were cause for concern. Ty has been experiencing back pain and headaches on and off for several months, and they determined it was caused by a tethered chord and syrinxes on his back. We are waiting for the office to call back for the surgery date. I wish I could say this is a routine procedure, but it just feels different. He has the best doctor, thanks Dr. Pattisapu, and I know the Lord will cover him through it all. Lord I believe, help my unbelief.