Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Creamy Carrot and Potato Soup
Warning....this makes ALOT of soup!!!
5lbs russet potatoes
3 stalks of celery
1 medium onion
4 large carrots
2 garlic cloves
2-3 tbsp. olive oil
2 tbsp. butter
10 cups water
3 chicken bouillion cubes (I use Knorr)
2 cups milk, half & half, or heavy cream....whatever you like
Salt and pepper to taste
Directions....Okay, here we go. First, rough chop the carrots, onion, and celery and put them in the food processor. Using the pulse button, chop the vegetables to very small pieces. Don't over chop, you don't want juice. In a hot soup pot, add the olive oil and butter (yes, both)..then add your veggies you just chopped. Stir that around and add a pinch of salt to sweat the veggies a bit. While that is going, peel and chop the potatoes into bite size pieces. When the veggies have begun to cook down, add the chopped garlic and stir. Your house should smell heavenly by this point!! Add the chopped potatoes, water, and bouillon cubes, another heavy pinch of salt and some pepper. Bring the soup to a boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer for 20-25 minutes, stirring occasionally. Just when you can't stand it any longer, test the potatoes. They should be really mushy before we proceed. When they are nice and mushy, drain off some of the liquid. Ladle out big chunks of the potatoes and return them to your food processor. (You could blend them in your pot if you had one of those fancy hand held thingies...I don't.) Blend the potatoes until creamy and return them to the pot. Add the milk or cream and adjust seasonings to your taste. Heat the soup through and enjoy. Sometimes I like to add crushed red pepper flakes and hot sauce (after I take some out for the kids.) Also sour cream, bacon bits, and cheese are really good toppings.
I hope you can decipher through my babbling and attempt this's really good and hearty on a cold night. Some crusty bread and a salad make it a perfect meal. Or....skip the bread and salad and have it with grilled cheese sandwiches....that's what I did!
Monday, November 17, 2008
I'm still here!!!
My brain has been so foggy lately, I don't really have anything to write how about some recent pictures??
Ty as Thomas the Train......he's so cute!
Katelyne as Sharpay (High School Musical)....what a stretch that was!!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Tasty, Healthy Pancakes

We love pancakes at our house. They're fast, cheap, and the kids love them. Unfortunately, if we're not careful, they can pack on quite a bit of sugar and loads of empty calories. My favorite, basic pancake recipe comes from Hillbilly Housewife. It's delicious on it's own, but I've altered it over the years to make it both kid and mom approved. The final product is light, fluffy, and a bit sweet, with loads of texture and flavor.
Healthy Whole Wheat Pancakes
2 eggs
2 c. milk
2 Tbsp. oil
4 Tbsp. sugar
2 c. whole wheat flour
1 c. white flour
1/4 c. milled flax seed
1 tsp. salt
3 tsp. baking powder
Whisk together the eggs, milk, oil, and sugar. In a separate bowl, mix together the remaining dry ingredients. Add to the egg, milk mixture and stir until well blended. Don't over mix. You may need to add a bit of milk at this point. Here in the South, it all depends on the weather. I like my pancake batter thick, but not too thick! Using a 1/4 cup, I can fit 6 pancakes on a well oiled griddle. Cook until the top is bubbly and the sides are no longer shiny. Flip the pancakes, and cook the other side until browned. This recipe makes 18 pancakes.
You can do just about anything you want with this recipe. I've omitted the flax seed and used only white flour before. They taste great, but you lose all of the heath benefits. I've also used only whole wheat flour. Again, they taste great, but are a little less moist. My kid's favorite is when I grate granny smith apples right into the batter. Delicious!! Around Thanksgiving, when it's actually cool here, I'll add mashed sweet potatoes or pumpkin puree and cinnamon. Tastes like pie....YUM! For a fun weekend treat, add chocolate chips to the top after you've spooned them onto the griddle. They are so packed full of whole grains, omega 3's, and fiber, you won't feel guilty at all, and you're children will think you're the coolest!
Now if I could just find a tasty, healthy syrup that the kids will like!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
I've got my eye on you!!
I love this one, because it's everything beautiful about fall that you just can't find in central Florida. It reminds me of raking leaves into a pile only to jump into them...and do it all over again.

This one is great because not only is it fall colors, but they've incorporated roses which aren't your typical fall fare. Very feminine!

Isn't this one adorable? I liked this one because of the apple and pumpkin harvest theme. Plus, black is slimming. Yes, even on an me!
A Typical Day
Morning Routine:
4:30-4:45 Wake Up (That takes awhile some mornings!)
4:45-5:15 Shower, Get Dressed, Fix Make-up and Hair
5:15 Sort main basket of clothes and start 1st load of laundry
5:30 Start Breakfast, and put away clean dishes
5:45-6:00 Wake up older kids (It takes them a few minutes, too!)
6:00 Eat Breakfast
6:00-6:30 Big kids brush teeth, fix hair, put on socks, shoes, and glasses
6:30-6:50 Wake up Ty, get him dressed, fix hair, and give him a cup of milk
6:50-7:00 Brush Ty's teeth, big kids round up book bags, and get in van
7:00 Take kids to school
Mid Morning Routine:
(I don't have specific times for these routines)
Daily Chores
Focus Task of the Day (Kitchen, Bathroom, Bedroom, etc.)
Finish/Fold Laundry
Computer Time
Make snack for kids
Afternoon Routine
(Begins around 2:30, when the kids come home from school)
Supervise homework
Clean up snack dishes
Put away laundry
Supervise kids chores
Begin supper preparations
Evening Routine:
5:30 Supper
6:00 Clean up supper dishes, kids help with clean up
6:00-7:00 Family time (play outside, board game, or watch TV)
7:00 Begin showers (Basically 15 min. per child, as one comes out, another goes in!)
7:45 Ty's prayers and bedtime
8:00 Girls' prayers and bedtime
8:30 Joshua's prayers and bedtime
8:30-9:00 Finish tidying up the house
9:00 Collapse on couch with a cup of coffee and watch something mindless
10:00 My scheduled bedtime :)
My days do vary at times, especially when I have to run an errand, or the girls have cheer practice during the week. This is a pretty typical glimpse of my day, though. I would love for some feed back from everyone. What does your day look like?
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Sometimes you have to say "sorry"
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Slow Cooker Cube Steak with Gravy
Here is my take on a traditional cube steak with gravy dinner.
Beef cube steak (thawed)
1 cup flour
Garlic Powder
Onion Powder
1 onion chopped
4 beef bouillon cubes
2 cups water
2 tbsp. oil
2 small cans cream of mushroom soup
- Place 2 cups water in a small saucepan with bouillon cubes, chopped onion, and a dash of garlic powder. Bring to a boil and simmer.
- Place flour, salt, pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder in a pie plate. Mix with fork. (I don't give exact amounts, because I don't know! I would guess about 1 tsp. of each.)
- In a large frying pan, heat the oil.
- Dredge the steaks in the flour mixture and place in hot pan.
- Brown the steaks on both sides. You're not cooking the steaks, just browning them. They will cook in the crock don't want them to be dry.
- Remove from pan and place in bottom of slow cooker.
- Don't skip the flour. It's important for two parts of this will help form the thick gravy in the slow cooker and it's vital to this next step.
- Remember the bouillon mixture you've got going? Add that to the hot pan of crusty, brown, flavorful goodness you just took the steaks out of. It will be very bubbly, very fast...but don't panic, just whisk it all together. Whisk, whisk, until everything comes up off the bottom of the pan.
- Now, dump the two cans of cream of mushroom soup over the steaks and spread evenly.
- Pour the onion soup mixture into the slow cooker...right on top of everything!
- Cook on low for 6-8 hours and enjoy the smell permeating through your house.
Now, I'll also go ahead and cook some mashed potatoes at this point. When they're done, I'll put them in the fridge to warm up when I get home. The cube steaks make a perfect gravy to top the potatoes, add a side of corn and I'm in heaven. If I were really ambitious, I would make some biscuits...but I'm just not feeling it today!!
***Helpful Hint: Did you catch on to what the beef bouillon and onions essentially made? French onion soup!! I never have that in the house, and a jar of bouillon is so much cheaper that I'd just as soon make my own. If you don't have a particular ingredient, search the web for an easy alternative. Many times you can make a substitute that's just as good or better.
Monday, September 29, 2008
It's Monday, but Sunday's A Comin'..

Sunday, September 28, 2008
Acts 2:37-38

Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Teach them to be Chaste

"To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed."
Titus 2:4 begins by teaching us how we should, as godly women, treat others. In verse 5, we are given instructions on how we should act.
Here is a very challenging, and well written post by Kelly at Generation Cedar on teaching young women to be chaste. Her blog is full of thought provoking truths. Enjoy.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
A few of my favorite things....
A centerpiece of fresh fruit in my favorite ceramic bowl. There's nothing special about this bowl. It's one of three that were bought at a garage sale by a friend of mine. She knew I needed some mixing bowls and thought these would be perfect. They are. They're cracked, chipped, and worn. Every time I use them, I have visions of a grandmother somewhere, lovingly mixing up something wonderful for her family. I love this bowl.
My favorite cup. Again, another hand-me-down from who knows where. I love that it's dainty, feminine, and worn. I can be caught drinking coffee from it as well as tea. It makes me feel pampered.
And the occasional, random shot found on my camera. Put there by someone under the age of 10, just waiting to be discovered by yours truly. I love their goofy personalities.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Today's To-Do

Shower, dress, fix hairStart laundry (wash all today to catch up)Unload dishwasherLoad dishwasherStraighten kitchen409 kitchen counters and doorsStraighten dining room areaWipe down dining room table and chairs, sweepStraighten living room area, sweepClean bathroom: mirror, counter, sink, toilet, tub, empty trash, sweepMake bedFold and put away clothesCut fabric for Erin's nightgowns(sew later)- Cut fabric for napkins (sew later)
Cut table cloth and add elastic to fit(cut scraps for napkins to be sewn later)
That should keep me busy until the big kids get home, then my night looks something like this:
Help with homeworkSupervise choresStart supper (kids usually go out and play at this point)EatClean up (clear table, dishes, wipe down table, sweep)Supervise bathsGive Ty nightly med routinePrayers and goodnight to kiddosCollapse on couch hoping to watch something mindless- Fall asleep on couch and begrudgingly make it to the bedroom I actually made it to bed before I fell asleep!
:) What's your schedule look like?
Thursday, September 18, 2008
So, how do we love them?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Really loving our children
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
To Love Their Children
Friday, September 5, 2008
Prayer Request
Monday, September 1, 2008
Labor free morning
Have that slave laborer, I mean helper, begin cracking 10 eggs. Yes, 10! I look at it this way, that's actually less than if we were eating eggs by themselves. So for me, 10 is good. Besides, it's good practice for the help. :)
Add 1/2 tsp. of salt.
Add 1/2 tsp. dry mustard.
This is where changes were made. The original recipe called for cayenne pepper. I didn't have any, so I used a couple shots of hot sauce. Yum! Also, it called for chopped chives. Didn't have any, so I skipped that part. Besides, if #2 were to have seen something green, she wouldn't have touched it with a ten foot pole.
Whisk everything together with 2 cups milk. While whisking, try to take a picture and figure out why everything is so bright. Turning off the flash didn't help. I told you I wasn't much of a photographer.
Before you pour it on, this is where it gets good. Crumble an entire 8oz package of cream cheese over the top. Also, slice 1 1/2 sticks of butter and place over the top. That's where the other modification came in. I don't usually have sticks of butter, so I used about 1/2 cup margarine and dolloped it over the top.
Then pour the creamy milk/egg mixture over the entire thing. Again, too bright..I know!
Next, cover it with foil and let it rest in the fridge over night. Forget about and play on the computer, watch a movie, or love your husband. Oh,'s a family blog.
A flaky top, gooey cheesy middle, sinfully good breakfast. Disclaimer...don't write in telling me how fattening this is. You shouldn't make this for Uncle Phil who's already had triple's a disaster waiting to happen. It really is this good....the original recipe says, "Eat, faint, repeat" can't improve on that. Except I'm thinking ham, bacon, or sausage crumbles would be heavenly!!
The recipient of this "lap-ghan" (small afghan) is a devout Dallas Cowboys of many faults! She's also from Texas, so the star is very appropiate (one point looks shaped funny, but that's just the curve of my bed...promise).
Gee, I hope my aunt doesn't read my blog!!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Serving my Husband
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Loving our Husbands Through Prayer

Loving our Husbands
1. Fill his water bottles for work, so he doesn't have to.
2. Sneak some snack money in his uniform pocket.
3. Leave a note on his computer or send him a cute email.
4. Take up an interest of his and spend time doing something he loves.
5. Make his favorite supper.
6. Scratch his back without being asked.
7. Tell him to go take a nap! (That will knock his socks off!!)
8. Put a love letter in his car.
9. Remember to touch him, lovingly, as he walks by. (I had to include lovingly, 'cause sometimes I end up smacking him on the's love tap!) :)
10. Lay out his uniform before he gets up.
11. Go for a walk together after dinner.
12. Have a date night in after the kids go to bed.
13. Remember to pray for him daily.
That's what I've got so far, but I'm still thinking. :) How about you? What little things can you do for your man that show him your love for him? Could you imagine what would be going on in our husbands minds if we did something intentional each day to remind him how great we think they are. Here's my challenge. Sit down and make a list of 31 things that you can do for your husband that cost nothing or very little. Begin blessing him as soon as you can. Even if you only come up with a few, start right away.
Before blessing our husbands, let's check our motives. We're blessing them because we love them and we want to express that to them. We are not blessing them to get something in return or manipulate them in any way. This is a complete selfless act of love for the men in our lives. So, go happy husbands!!!! (What did you think I was going to tell you to make....wink, wink!)
Monday, August 25, 2008
"...To love their husbands..."

Sunday, August 24, 2008
Sober-minded in the Home

Remember, we are referring to being "sober" as "sober-minded", having a plan, not addressing things wildly but calmly with efficiency. One item in my home that has helped me is my binder. This is a very common item among stay at home moms. Some call it a home management binder, or a household binder. Whatever one calls it, it has the potential of becoming a very essential tool for organizing a home.
The contents:
Instead of showing you my ugly, plain jane binder, I'll give you some links that might spark your interest so you may begin your own.
Susan Godfrey at Simply Susan
Catherine at Making It Home
Keeping the Home
Maybe during my copious free time this week, I'll make my binder look pretty and show you pictures. Yeah, right! ;)
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Sober-minded in the Kitchen

So there you have it, just a few of the ways we can have a plan and be ready and "sober" in the kitchen. Now, don't go thinking I've got it all together and it's like this all the time. My back up plan is Pizza Hut on speed dial. Just keeping it real, ya'll!
Monday, August 18, 2008
To Be Sober

Background on Titus
Paul sent the letter with Zenas and Apollos, who were on a journey that took them through Crete. The letter was intended to give Titus authorization and guidance in meeting personal opposition, instructions about faith and conduct, and warnings about false teachers.
Warning....personal opinion is to follow....
When reading scripture, I think it is very important to know who and to whom the scripture was written. With that knowledge, the reader is allowed a certain insight as to what is the meaning behind the text. A big fat HOWEVER,I also think that all to often we forget that the very word of God is living and transcends all time. Though this letter was written to a man, by a man, around 60 AD; I don't think that gives us the liberty to pick and choose whether or not it's "culturally relevant". Scripture is God breathed, which I take to mean that God used the writers as a tool to put His words on paper. I believe God's word to be wholly applicable today as it was 2000 years ago. Okay, Lesley...step down from soapbox and resume normal funtions.....
Friday, August 15, 2008
Titus 2:4-5 Study

I'm going to spend a few weeks studying Titus 2:4-5. Disclaimer...I am not a bible scholar. I will be studying, citing references, and for the most part, giving my personal opinions of how to apply God's Word to my life today. I'll begin tomorrow with a background on Titus, then a study on the first section of verse 4, teaching younger women to be sober. Your comments are welcome and appreciated, I would love this to become an interactive study.