Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thrifty Thursday

Kelly, at Generation Cedar , has challenged her readers to share our thrifty ideas. Not only does this help those of us who choose to live on one income, but in this economy, many people are being forced into situations where they have no choice but to pinch pennies. Here is a very frugal, but yummy lunch that our family really enjoys.

Egg salad Sandwiches (1/2 dozen eggs, 1 loaf bread, 1/4 c. mayo) - $1.00
Carrot Sticks - $.25 (that's a rough estimation, I can get a bag for $1 at Save-a-Lot)
Orange Slices - free (I live in FL, which is an unfair advantage, I realize)

Total lunch cost - $1.25. This will feed our family of 6 just fine. I keep my prices low by making my bread or buying day old bread and freezing it. Eggs right now are $.99/doz., which is as low as I've seen them for a long time. If you aren't fortunate enough to own a fruit tree, buy in season which will help keep the cost down. Just to give you a comparison, school lunches are currently $2.10/person. Yep, this is one cheap lunch!

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