Monday, August 18, 2008

Background on Titus

The book of Titus was written by Paul, as stated in Ch. 1:1, to Titus whom he calls his "true son in our common faith". Titus had worked with Paul during his third missionary journey at Ephesus and from there was sent to Corinth to help that church with its work. After Paul's imprisonment in Rome, he and Titus worked in Crete. Titus remained in Crete to complete needed work. This is where he was when he received this letter from Paul.

Paul sent the letter with Zenas and Apollos, who were on a journey that took them through Crete. The letter was intended to give Titus authorization and guidance in meeting personal opposition, instructions about faith and conduct, and warnings about false teachers.


Warning....personal opinion is to follow....

When reading scripture, I think it is very important to know who and to whom the scripture was written. With that knowledge, the reader is allowed a certain insight as to what is the meaning behind the text. A big fat HOWEVER,I also think that all to often we forget that the very word of God is living and transcends all time. Though this letter was written to a man, by a man, around 60 AD; I don't think that gives us the liberty to pick and choose whether or not it's "culturally relevant". Scripture is God breathed, which I take to mean that God used the writers as a tool to put His words on paper. I believe God's word to be wholly applicable today as it was 2000 years ago. Okay, Lesley...step down from soapbox and resume normal funtions.....

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